Course description

The course starts at 09:30 am and ends at 5 pm. Registration commences at 08:30 am.

[IF ONLINE FORMAT] We will send the course materials and meeting instructions well in advance as well as the invitation with hyperlink to join us online. The online meeting will be available at least one half hour earlier so please log in timely in order to check your sound and video settings beforehand.


  1. Data Strategy:  Rationale
  • What is a data strategy and why do organisations need one?
  • The changing relationship between business and data strategy
  • What a data strategy is and what it is not
  • The components of a data strategy


  1. Data Strategy: Where to Begin? 
  • Overview of a simple, four step approach to developing a data strategy
  • Purpose of each of the four steps
    • Step 1: Business Goals and Strategy
    • Step 2: Current State Assessment
    • Step 3: Proposed Future State
    • Step 4: Implementation Roadmap
  • The importance of iteration and agile change management


  1. Data Strategy Step 1: Business Goals and Strategy  
  • Stakeholder identification and engagement
  • Capturing business goals, motivation and drivers
  • Understanding and capturing data problems and opportunities
  • Making an outline business case for action
  • Primary outputs and artefacts


  1. Data Strategy Step 2: Current State Assessment   
  • The concept of data maturity
  • Baselining current data maturity
  • Focusing on business critical data priorities
  • Identifying primary action themes
  • Primary outputs and artefacts


  1. Data Strategy Step 3: Proposed Future State    
  • Identifying new / enhanced data management capabilities
  • Visualising current state versus future state
  • Aligning business priorities with data improvement activities
  • Gaining stakeholder support and buy in
  • Primary outputs and artefacts


  1. Data Strategy Step 4: Developing the Roadmap 
  • Detailed outline of data strategy content
  • Defining an actionable roadmap
  • The critical importance of quick wins
  • Managing change and the importance of communication
  • Primary outputs and artefacts


  1. Delivering the Roadmap: Data Governance
  • Business and IT roles in data strategy delivery
  • The relationship between data strategy and data governance
  • Data Governance organisational structures
  • Assigning data strategy ownership
  • Tools and technologies to support implementation and management
  • Tracking data strategy delivery and benefits
  • Ensuring the data strategy aligns with changing business priorities and needs


  1. Summary & Conclusions
  • Review: delivering a data strategy for success
  • The evolution of the data professional’s role
  • Case studies of success
  • Digital innovation and foundational excellence.