Find the event of your choice in the agenda on the home page and click on the hyperlink. You can register directly for the event of your choice using the “Register” button. For registering by print, please send your Purchase Order to We will confirm your registration and invoice your company by e-mail therefore please do not omit your e-mail address when registering.

You just start with registering one attendee. After clicking the ‘Register’ button at the bottom of the registration form you can retain the address details in order to register other participants. You will be asked: Click here to register more participants with the same company details.
And after doing so, a new form will open with all company details still in place so that you only have to complete the personal details of the next attendee.

Upon completing this form the delegates will automatically receive a confirmation email. The PDF invoice for the registration fee will be sent separately to the email address that you enter in the Email Accounts Payable field.

In the following table the necessary information is provided for your credit adminstration. The email address and phone number are mentioned in the footer below and our address is:
Array Media B.V.
Adept Events
Suyderbon 44
2465 BR Rijnsaterwoude.

VAT-no. NL851960236B01
Chamber of Commerce 56059825
Bank account no. ABN AMRO Bank
IBAN NL07ABNA0450448258

Credit card payment
Payment by credit card is available. We accept Visa Card, MasterCard and American Express. This is not an automated process via our website but instead we will send you a payment hyperlink. If you require payment with credit card please mention this in the Comment-field in the registration form. You can also contact our office by e-mail or through our contact form. Never mention your credit card details in our registration form, contact form or in e-mail messages.

In general: preferably as early as possible and we reward early registrations with an early bird discount. For normal on-site events, we need to print the course materials in time so registering no later than 10 days in advance works best for us. For virtual events, a registration can still be accepted 10 minutes before the start, if need be, because we only need to send a few hyperlinks. However, in both cases we have to decide 10 days to a week in advance whether the session can take place based on the minimum number of delegates.

Early registration discounts: if you register at least 30 days before the event, you will be rewarded with a 10% discount on the registration fee.  Discounts are available for group bookings of two or more delegates representing the same organization made at the same time. Ten percent off for the second and third delegate and fifteen percent off for all delegates when registering four or more delegates (all delegates must be listed on the same invoice). Membership discounts cannot be combined.
In the case of Conditions of Purchase that do not allow invoicing in advance of the event and/or that allow payment terms of more than thirty days,  discounts are not applicable. The regular early bird or group discount is also not applicable for intermediaries with deviating payment terms and discount/fee arrangements such as Springest, Archipel, Bloomville, among others.

Do you want to organize a workshop in-house for a group of your employees? This is a common question and certainly something worth considering. Our In-house page has been set up especially to provide all necessary information.

For further information please contact us through the contact form or or call us on +31 (0)172 742680.


Yes, payment by credit card is available for attendees. We accept Visa Card, MasterCard, American Express as well as iDEAL. This is not an automated process via our website but instead we will send you the PDF invoice as well as a payment hyperlink. If you require payment with credit card please mention this in the Comment-field in the registration form. You can also contact our office by e-mail or through our contact form. Never mention your credit card details in our registration form, contact form or in e-mail messages.

The local VAT laws for The Netherlands (and other EU countries) for when to charge VAT on admission to training and “educational” courses have changed due to a case law from the EU Court in 2019 (C-647/17). The ruling is that the organizers of conferences, seminars and training courses are required to charge VAT to all the attendees, regardless if they are a private person or a company, and what country they come from. For most countries, this VAT is refundable by the tax authorities in the country of origin of the attendee.

The VAT charge does not apply to virtual courses where the corporate attendee does not visit The Netherlands but instead joins online from outside The Netherlands. In that case VAT is not charged provided we can include the EU VAT-number of the organization on our invoice. The EU VAT reverse-charge rule then applies. For instance, when a corporate attendee joins an Adept Events online course from Belgium or Germany, VAT will not be applied provided that the company’s VAT-number is entered on our registration form. 

For private attendees or attendees from organisations without EU-VAT-number, however, we do need to charge VAT.

Click on the top level navigation on Event-Info/Sponsoring. Here you can find all the information on sponsoring our events.

For information regarding a certain event, send us an e-mail through our contact form. For information regarding your  registration, you can also contact us by phone on +31 (0)172 742680, or e-mail us at
If you want to be kept up to date regarding the events of Adept Events, you can also  subscribe to our news letter.

Look in the agenda on the homepage for the event of your choice and click on the hyperlink. Via the tab “Location” you will find the address information plus a route description to the event location. If you desire door-to-door information, look on and look for the complete travel info.
When travelling with public transport, look on to determine your best route. This site also provides information regarding work on the rail system plus possible delays.

Directly after your registration through our registration form, you will receive a confirmation on the e-mail address that you provided. Should you not receive a confirmation within an hour, we advise you to contact us. Do remember to check your Spam Mail folder. For information regarding your registration, contact us either by phone on   +31 (0)172 742680, or e-mail us via Approximately a week before the start of the event, you will receive a reminder via e-mail, which includes the start time, location information and possible specific requirements for the workshops.

Cancellations by attendees must be received in writing at least three weeks before the commencement of the event and will be subject to a € 75,- administration fee. It is regretted that cancellations received within three weeks of the event date will be liable for the full registration fee. Substitutions by other persons can be made at any time and at no extra charge.

Substitutions by other persons can be made at any time and at no extra charge. Please notify our staff as soon as possible as we can try and make adjustments such as proper name badges.

At some of our DAMA-courses you can opt for also taking the CDMP-exam. It is advised to take the online exam within two weeks after the course. You can tick the Exam-checkbox on our registration form at  that particular course. The fee is listed on our Registration Fee of the course and you will receive a voucher code from CDMP to take the exam. You can also purchase the exam directly at CDMP where you will find full details of the CDMP examinations, levels, fees and technical support.

If you  do not want to be kept up to date of the various events organized by Adept Events, you can unsubscribe  using the ‘Unsubscribe’ link in our e-mails. Also, you can send an e-mail to, and as the subject: “Remove my e-mail address from the Adept Events mailing list”.

In March 2022 all COVID-19 restrictions have been lifted. Besides organizing regular events on location, since June 2020 we offer two new formats allowing online attendance of our events, if applicable. Click here for more information. In addition to this, we have also made the cancellation terms more flexible, thus removing any obstacle for you to register.

For further information please contact us through the contact form or or call us on +31 (0)172 742680.