Irene Salemink (CBS) presents during DW&BI Summit

Director of the Business Register Department Irene Salemink at Statistics Netherlands will present a lecture during the Data Warehousing & Business Intelligence Summit on March 20 a.s. about the transition from a process driven to data-driven organization.

Irene Salemink has been appointed as Director of the Business Register Department at Statistics Netherlands since 2012. After her master’s degree in Chemistry (University Utrecht) and a PhD in Biochemistry (Maastricht University) she changed career and started in 2000 at Statistics Netherlands (SN). Irene has a taste for innovation of products and processes and has been involved in large redesigns of complex statistical production processes combined with managerial reorganizations. She is experienced in designing a Business Architecture, introduction of the BiSL framework and a variety of project management methodologies.

Momentarily her biggest challenge lies in managing the design, development and implementation of a Logical Data Warehouse solution as part of the new SN Data strategy. The introduction of new concepts and technologies as part of this strategy is intertwined with engaging the organization in this change and improvement program.