GoDataDriven on the five building blocks for a data-driven enterprise

On the 7th of April, the second day of the DW&BI Summit, Gold partner GoDataDriven will present its case in the aftnernoon. This presentation on the data-driven enterprise will be given by Rob Dielemans, co-founder and managing director of GoDataDriven. 

Data, the driving force of the fourth industrial revolution. Leading organizations have embraced the transformation to a data driven approach. Organizations that demonstrate exponential growth most often are the ones that are able to take their business decisions based on real-time data and predictions. Of course, data, a modern and scalable infrastructure, and technology are essential, but most they only add value of the align with all necessary elements.
In this presentation Rob Dielemans will show how category leaders became data driven by re-organizing around the five building blocks of the data driven enterprise.

  • The fourth industrial revolution
  • Transforming into a technology company
  • The modern data landscape
  • Why data and technology are not your main challenge
  • Continuous innovation: The five building blocks of the data driven enterprise