Generative AI in Data Management and Analytics – A New Era of Assistance, Productivity and Automation [English spoken]

The emergence of generative AI has been described as a major breakthrough in technology. It has reduced the time to create new content and triggered a new wave of innovation that is impacting almost every type of software. New tools, applications and functionality are already emerging that are dramatically improving productivity, simplifying user experiences and paving the way for new ways of working. In this keynote session, Mike Ferguson, Europe’s leading IT industry analyst on Data Management and Analytics, looks at the impact generative AI is having on Data Management, BI and Data Science and what it can do to help shorten time to value.

  • What is generative AI?
  • What are the business benefits of generative AI?
  • How is generative AI being used in data management?
  • How is generative AI being used in data science and BI
  • What does this mean for business going forward?
  • What should you do to get started?