Alec Sharp

Alec Sharp, a senior consultant with Clariteq Systems Consulting, has deep expertise in a rare combination of fields – business-oriented data modelling, business process analysis and redesign, and business analysis and requirements specification. Increasingly, his work involves facilitation, organisational change, and project recovery. His 40 years of hands-on consulting experience, practical approaches, and global reputation in model-driven methods have made him a sought-after resource around the world.

Alec is also a popular speaker at conferences related to Business Process Management, Business Analysis, and Data Management, mixing content and insight with irreverence and humour.

Alec literally wrote the book on business process modelling, “Workflow Modelling: Tools for Process Improvement and Application Development, Second Edition.”  Popular with process improvement specialists, business analysts, consultants, and business professionals, it is consistently a top-selling title on business process modelling, analysis, and design, and is widely used as an MBA textbook.

He was awarded DAMA’s Professional Achievement Award, a global award given to one professional a year for contributions to the Data Management profession.

Alec’s educational workshops are conducted virtually and in-person at many well-known organisations. These include Business-Oriented Data Modelling, Business-Oriented Data Modelling – Masterclass, Working With Business Processes, Advanced Business Process Techniques, and Model-Driven Business Analysis Techniques. His classes are practical, energetic, and fun, consistently earning “excellent” ratings.

Below you will find the courses that we have already scheduled at our venues but you can find an overview of all workshops by Alec Sharp on this page, including the ones that we only run in-company at your request.


Discover this crucial connection!

The Data-Process Connection

How Concept Modelling Supports Process, Business Analysis and Architecture Work [Virtual half day] Alec Sharp illustrates the many ways concept models (conceptual data models) support business process change and business analysis. And Alec covers what a data professional needs to know on business processes. [Half day virtual delivery.]

 English spoken

November 7 - virtual half day

Your office or home office

Online only



Business-oriented Data Modelling Masterclass

Balancing Engagement, Agility, and Complexity This data modelling workshop by Alec Sharp covers Entity-Relationship modelling from a non-technical perspective, provides tips and guidelines for the analyst, and explores contextual, conceptual, and detailed modelling techniques that maximize user involvement.

 English spoken

November 18 - 20, 2024




New workshop with Alec Sharp!

Concept Modelling for Business Analysts

Making Data Modelling a Vital Technique This workshop by Alec Sharp introduces concept modelling from a non-technical perspective, provides tips and guidelines for the analyst, and explores entity-relationship modelling at conceptual and logical levels using techniques that maximise client engagement and understanding.

 English spoken

April 3, 2025 (half day)




Practical workshop by Alec Sharp himself!

Working with Business Processes Masterclass

Aligning Process Work with Strategic, Organisational, and Cultural Factors This 3-day masterclass shows how to discover and scope a business process, clarify its context, model its workflow with progressive detail, assess it, and transition to the design of a new process by determining, verifying, and documenting its essential characteristics. Highly interactive workshop.

 English spoken

April 10-11 and 14, 2025


