Jeroen Klep

From the start of his career Jeroen is active in Business Intelligence and data warehousing. Initially as a developer and analyst. Soon in more guiding and leading roles as application manager and project leader.
He easily gains insight into bottlenecks and interests within projects and organizations. Being able to structure complex projects and environments. He gets a lot of satisfaction from being able to motivate employees and project members, so that on the one hand the project objectives are achieved and on the other hand the individual employees grow on the personal level. Over the course of years he was responsibly for many data warehousing projects at larger companies.

In addition to his consultancy work, he became director of QOSQO BV in 2008. In this capacity he is jointly responsible for the organization as a whole and business development and marketing in particular. He personally holds himself responsible for the success of projects where Quipu is being used.