Alec Sharp
Clariteq Systems Consulting
Data modelling is critical to the design of quality databases, but is also essential to other requirements specification techniques such as workflow modelling, use cases, and service definition because it ensures a common understanding of the things – the entities – that processes and applications deal with. This workshop introduces entity-relationship modelling from a non-technical perspective, and explores contextual, conceptual, and detailed modelling techniques that maximize user involvement.
Data modelling was originally developed as a tool for improving database design, but has become a fundamental requirements definition technique for all business analysts, whether they are primarily concerned with data structures, application logic, user interface behavior, or business processes.
A key driver is that applying data modelling early in requirements definition allows analysts and clients to develop a common understanding of the business entities (e.g., Customer, Order, Product, Part, etc.) that business processes and information systems deal with, their interrelationships, and the rules that govern them. This eliminates the problems of inconsistent terminology and conflicting assumptions that otherwise plague application development, package selection and implementation, system integration, and process redesign projects.
This workshop introduces entity-relationship modelling from a non-technical perspective, thoroughly covering the basic components of a data model – entities, relationships, attributes, and identifiers. In addition to showing how and when to use these components in developing a data model, it includes far more advice on the process of developing a data model than other courses, including specific methods for getting subject matter experts involved and maintaining their commitment. The content is presented within the context of a clearly-defined, three-phase data modelling methodology that supports progressive detail and precision.
Two points are worth emphasizing:
On workshop completion, participants will be able to:
None. However, business analysts who expect to do extensive workflow modelling will find that some understanding of information systems concepts may be helpful in establishing context.
New or experienced data modelers, data analysts, and DBAs will benefit from the workshop’s practical methods and guidelines. The workshop is also very popular with business analysts and application designers/developers needing to understand data modelling and how it supports requirements definition or process analysis. As well, it’s suitable for business professionals and managers needing to understand how this technique can uncover and resolve inconsistency in business terminology, policy, and rules.
At the top of this page you can download the PDF brochure of this workshop.
The seminars and workshops that we offer as In-house will take place right at your office. Well in advance we will discuss the room requirements, especially in the case of workshops. If your organisation has widely dispersed offices we can also decide to run the workshop in a venue of your choice that is centrally located.
“Brilliant, unique presentation on conceptual modelling. All disparate information on data modelling brought together and explained clearly for the first time ever.”
“This is a mustn't miss workshop for anyone having to do with helping business to understand their own business and be glad for it. Provides excellent methods for engaging management and subject matter experts. Simple but effective methods in data modelling.”
“Alec shows that data modelling is much more than drawing diagrams. With his many practical examples and high level of interaction, you will be kept on your toes until the very end of the workshop!”
“Really great workshop, makes datamodelling fun!”
“I would sent business and IT persons together to this course. They finally will understand each other and speed up the projects.”
“This course puts all the pieces of the puzzle in place. Alec is a great speaker.”
“Alec teaches in a very energetic way how to get the business involved in data modelling and let them be the engine of the process.”
“This course helped me to understand the fundamentals of a conceptual and logical data model and will help me to go into dialogue with the business to achieve efficient data.”
“Good session with good examples in an interactive atmosphere.”
“Thank you Alec for the clear and accessible way of taking us into the world of Data Modelling.”
“Brings Data Modelling alive!”
“Great repetitive approach to business/data modelling!”
“Alec makes you forget it's complex stuff you're talking about.”
Practically all of our seminars and workshops can be offered as an In-house course for your company exclusively. We can tailor with extra focus on specific topics that apply to your organization. Also available in online format or in face-to-face format with live video stream.
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Making Data Modelling a Vital Technique This workshop by Alec Sharp introduces concept modelling from a non-technical perspective, provides tips and guidelines for the analyst, and explores entity-relationship modelling at conceptual and logical levels using techniques that maximise client engagement and understanding.
April 3, 2025 (half day)
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May 19-21, 2025
Conference on Data Warehousing & Business Intelligence with top rated speakers Alec Sharp, Nicola Askham, Winfried Etzel, Sjoukje Zaal, Victor de Graaff and others. Topics: Cloud Data Architecture, Datamesh & Federated Data Governance, Data Modelling.
Alec Sharp, Nicola Askham, acclaimed speakers
April 2, 2025
Aligning Process Work with Strategic, Organisational, and Cultural Factors This 3-day masterclass shows how to discover and scope a business process, clarify its context, model its workflow with progressive detail, assess it, and transition to the design of a new process by determining, verifying, and documenting its essential characteristics. Highly interactive workshop.
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