Advanced Data Modelling

Alec Sharp

This highly participative workshop provides approaches for many difficult data modeling situations, as well as techniques for improving communication between data modelers and subject matter experts. Topics will be covered with a discussion of the issue, a review of guidelines and examples, a workshop exercise, and a group solution and debriefing.

A Business-oriented Approach to Data Modelling

This data modelling workshop by Alec Sharp introduces Entity-Relationship modelling from a non-technical perspective, provides tips and guidelines for the analyst, and explores contextual, conceptual, and detailed modelling techniques that maximize user involvement.

Business Intelligence & Datawarehousing Fundamentals

The world of BI and data warehousing can feel overwhelming due to their unique terminology and technologies. What do star scheme data mart, ETL, self-service BI, data science, big data, staging area and BI in the cloud actually mean? This seminar gives you a complete and practical introduction.

Mastering the Requirements Process

James Archer

James Archer presents a complete process for uncovering the real requirements, testing them for correctness, and recording them clearly, comprehensibly and unambiguously. The workshop shows you how to precisely define the scope of the business problem, to discover and involve the stakeholders, to use today’s techniques to learn what the business really needs, to innovate and find better ways to do the work, to communicate effectively and to write testable, unambiguous requirements.

Low Code Development with Microsoft PowerApps and Flow

With the launch of the Microsoft Business Application Framework, which includes Power BI as well as PowerApps, Flow and the Common Data Service, Microsoft has heavily invested into their low code app platform. During this seminar we will take a closer look at the low code business application platform and more specifically at Microsoft PowerApps, Flow and the Common Data Service. Prepare yourself for these revolutionary technologies by attending this in-depth afternoon seminar.

Machine Learning & Advanced Analytics

Look at the need to capture new data sources to add to what we already know and use machine learning to automatically discover, profile and catalog what is in these data sources. Then look at how machine learning and advanced analytical techniques techniques such as text analyses, sentiment analysis, graph and streaming analytics can be used at scale on Big data to provide new insight that helps foster growth, reduce costs and improve effectiveness for competitive advantage.

API Management – Design, Manage, and Tools

APIs are the ready-to-use building blocks for new applications; they make business more flexible to changes in the market. This seminar focuses on the design of APIs and how to provide them. All relevant topics related to API Management will be discussed in an accessible manner.

Big Data en Fast Data Technologie voor Business Intelligence

Rick van der Lans

A unique seminar in which Rick van der Lans will take you through the latest technology and products. Big Data, Hadoop, NoSQSL will have no more secrets after attending this session. What are the use cases for your company? How do you integrate with existing datawarehouse architecture?

Integratie van Applicaties, Cloud en Mobile

Iedere organisatie heeft te maken met het integreren van systemen en applicaties. Maar hoe worden integratieprocessen en informatiestromen nu werkelijk geautomatiseerd? En hoe pakt u dit op een service georiënteerde manier aan? In dit seminar bespreekt Guy Crets aan de hand van jarenlange ervaring de diverse producten en relevante marktspelers met o.a. BizTalk, Tibco, Oracle, IBM, SAP Netweaver en WebMethods. Hij positioneert oude en nieuwe trends: van EAI en SOA tot Cloud-integratie, middleware en API management. En belicht ook de organisatorische en menselijke factor. Bent u betrokken bij integratieprojecten? Dan mág u dit seminar niet missen!

Logisch Datawarehouse – Architectuur, Ontwerp en Technologie

Rick van der Lans

Het Logical Data Warehouse, een door Gartner geïntroduceerde flexibele architectuur, is gebaseerd op een ontkoppeling van rapportage en analyse enerzijds en gegevensbronnen anderzijds. Een flexibele architectuur waarbij sneller nieuwe gegevensbronnen aangekoppeld kunnen worden, self-service BI goed te ondersteunen is, waar Operational BI eenvoudig te implementeren is, waar het adopteren van nieuwe technologieën zoals Hadoop en NoSQL en Big Data, relatief eenvoudig is. In dit praktische seminar wordt de architectuur toegelicht en de producten besproken. Tevens wordt besproken hoe organisaties kunnen migreren van hun bestaande naar deze nieuwe architectuur. Tips en ontwerprichtlijnen komen aan bod.