Egge van der Poel

Egge van der Poel is working as a Clinical Data Scientist at the Erasmus Medical Centre in Rotterdam. He holds a BA in Philosophy and a PhD in Elementary Particle Physics. He searched for (and found) the Higgs particle at the Large Hadron Collider of CERN, in Geneva. After his PhD at CERN he trained to be a Medical Physicist and was a Big Data consultant at KPMG before his job at the Erasmus Medical Centre in Rotterdam.

Piethein Strengholt

Piethein Strengholt is a Lead Data Architect with a passion for technology. He is responsible for setting and driving the strategical agenda for ABN AMRO for topics such as Data Management, Data Integration and Cloud. Engineering experienced in Data Management, Data Integration & Cloud (AWS & Azure). Piethein is commercially skilled, with more than ten years consultancy background.

Dave Wells

Dave Wells is the Data Management Practice Director at Eckerson Group, a data analytics research and consulting organization. He brings a unique perspective to data management based on five decades of working with data in both technical and business roles. Dave works at the intersection of information management and business management, where real value is derived from data assets. He is an industry analyst, consultant, and educator dedicated to building meaningful and enduring connections throughout the path from data to business value.

Pieter Rambags

Pieter Rambags has always been a consultant, fulfilling roles ranging from technical BI developer, information analyst and project leader to program manager and business developer. Content wise, he advises companies on topics like designing a BI strategy, BI and Big Data architectures, information and data modelling, and data management and governance. In 2002 he started…

Jeroen Klep

From the start of his career Jeroen is active in Business Intelligence and data warehousing. Initially as a developer and analyst. Soon in more guiding and leading roles as application manager and project leader.

Jan W. Veldsink

Jan W. Veldsink MSc is a creative energetic new thinker, with passion for technology and people. Jan is speaker, senior advisor, trainer and coach specialized in Artificial intelligence and Intuitive interventions in organizations. His mission is to contribute to a secure and endurable environment within teams and organizations.

David Leichner


David has over 25 years of marketing and sales executive management experience garnered from leading software vendors including Information Builders, Magic Software and BluePhoenix Solutions. At SQream, David is responsible for creating and executing its marketing strategy and managing the global marketing team that forms the foundation for SQream’s product and market penetration.

Peter den Haan

Peter den Haan is an experienced Technical Sales Manager in charge of technical sales activities within the IBM Analytics & Cloud Netherlands. His range of expertise varies from Data Science, AI, Big Data, Information Governance, Datawarehousing, Business Intelligence to Digital Business Automation. Peter is highly skilled in the area of data science, application architecture, and…

Adrian Reed

Adrian Reed is a true advocate of the analysis profession. In his day job, he acts as Principal Consultant and Director at Blackmetric Business Solutions where he provides business analysis consultancy and training solutions to a range of clients in varying industries. He is a Past President of the UK chapter of the IIBA® and he speaks internationally on topics relating to business analysis and business change. Adrian wrote the 2016 book ‘Be a Great Problem Solver… Now’ and the 2018 book ‘Business Analyst’.

Kent Graziano

Kent Graziano is an award winning author, speaker, and trainer, in the areas of data modeling, data architecture, and data warehousing. He is an internationally recognized expert in Data Vault and Agile Data Warehousing. Mr. Graziano has developed and led many successful software and data warehouse implementation teams, including multiple agile DW/BI teams and is the Chief Technical Evangelist for Snowflake Computing.