Organizations worldwide are facing the challenge of effectively analyzing their exponentially growing data stores. Most data warehouses were designed before the big data explosion, and struggle to support modern workloads. To make due, many companies are cutting down on their data pipelines, severely limiting the productivity of data professionals.
Praktische workshop met Keith McCormick over het toepassen van supervised en unsupervised machine learning. Hoe zet je business vraagstukken om in bruikbare machine learning modellen? Welke modellen zijn het meest geëigend voor welke toepassing? Hoe zijn deze modellen op creatieve wijze te combineren? U gaat zelf met oefeningen aan de slag.
Most people will agree that data warehousing and business intelligence projects take too long to deliver tangible results. This presentation will look at the 12 principles behind the Agile Manifesto and see how these approaches can be used to speed things up in the context of a data warehouse project.