In deze online workshop van een halve dag zal Thomas Frisendal laten zien wat graph technologieën in de praktijk betekenen en welke tools beschikbaar zijn. Hij zal ook laten zien hoe graph oplossingen verschillen en hoe traditionele databases en graph technologie elkaar aanvullen. De combinatie van de twee is zeer krachtig, en gelukkig relatief eenvoudig te implementeren.
Ever since Google announced its Knowledge Graph solution in 2012 the paradigm has found its way into many real-world use cases, mostly in the analytics space. This presentation will cover what a Knowledge Graph is, how it is different and yet complementary and will look at vendors, products and standards.
This session will briefly recap the main concepts and practices of Data Mesh and Data Fabric and consider their implications for Data Quality Management. Will the Mesh and Fabric make Data Quality easier or harder to get right? As a foundational data discipline how should Data Quality principles and practices evolve and adapt to meet the needs of these new trends? What new approaches and practices may be needed? What are the implications for Data Quality practitioners and other data management professionals working in other data disciplines such as Data Governance, Business Intelligence and Data Warehousing?