Knowledge Graphs – pragmatische aanpak en best practices [English spoken]

This seminar explores the strategic implementation of Knowledge Graph initiatives within organizations, offering a comprehensive framework that blends cutting-edge techniques with real-world case studies. It equips participants with the crucial understanding needed to make informed decisions, optimize initiatives, and unlock the transformative potential of Knowledge Graphs in today’s data-driven landscape.

Data Products – From Design, to Build, to Publishing and Consumption [English spoken]

This half-day workshop looks at the development of data products in detail. It also looks at the strengths and weaknesses of data mesh implementation options for data product development. Which architecture is best to implement this? How do you co-ordinate multiple domain-oriented teams and use common data infrastructure software like Data Fabric to create high-quality, compliant, reusable, data products in a Data Mesh. Is there a methodology for creating data products? Also, how can you use a data marketplace to share and govern the sharing of data products?

Concept Modelling and The Data-Process Connection [Engelstalig]

In this session Alec Sharp will introduce methods to get people engaged in concept modelling, practice with guidelines to ensure proper naming and definition of entities/concepts/business objects and illustrate the many ways concept models (conceptual data models) support business process change and business analysis.

Data Architecture Evolution and the Impact on Analytics [Engelstalig]

In this session Mike Ferguson looks at different architectures that recent were offered by many different vendors claiming to be ‘the modern data architecture solution’ for the data-driven enterprise, with support for open table formats such as Apache Iceberg, Apache Hudi and Delta Lake. In addition, we have seen significant new milestones in extending the ISO SQL Standard to support new kinds of analytics in general purpose SQL. He will discuss the impact of this on analytical data platforms and what it means for customers.

Big Data in de Zorg – wat er kan met data versus wat er mág

Vektis beheert een schat aan informatie uit declaratiegegevens. Maar men moet laveren tussen de richtlijnen en restricties vanuit de AVG wetgeving en de wensen vanuit de organisatie en klanten voor analyses op die gegevens. Herman Bennema legt uit hoe men daar mee om gaat.

Welk datamodel past bij uw toepassing?

Hoe meer regelgeving op organisaties afkomt, zoals GDPR, Data Act en AI Act, des te belangrijker het inzicht in data en data-opslag. Datamodelleren is hierbij cruciaal maar welk datamodel past het beste bij welke toepassing? Tanja Ubert bespreekt de meest voorkomende typen datamodellen, de relatie daartussen en toepassingsgebieden.

The Human Side of Data Modelling

Alec Sharp introduces simple, proven techniques to vastly improve engagement and comprehension by all participants in Concept Modelling, especially those unfamiliar with or even uninterested in modelling.