Nigel Turner
Global Data Strategy
Data Governance is a ‘must have’ business capability for any organisation wanting to manage its data, improve its quality, and control its security, access and use. An average organisation’s data is doubling every 15 months. Propelled by Big Data, Analytics, Cloud Computing and now AI, this rapid increase in volumes is compounded by the increasing speed and complexity with which data is created and stored. Organisations are also under increasing customer, regulatory and legal pressures to get data right, including data protection legislation and the European Union’s AI and Data Governance Acts. Data Governance is seen as a keystone of any solution to address these challenges. As a result it is one of the fastest growing and most in demand data disciplines today.
This increasing interest in Data Governance is driven by all the above factors, but at its heart is a core belief that any data driven, digital organisation must ensure that its data is valued and managed with the same rigour as all other business assets, including people, finance, products and so on. This can only happen if both business and data strategies and practices are closely aligned and focused on realising business value across the enterprise. Above all, Data Governance is a proven approach to enable an organisation to shift its culture towards enabling better collaboration between business and IT groups. By delivering this, Data Governance enables organisations to be better equipped to address both current operational challenges and elevate their ability to realise untapped opportunities that more mature data management capabilities can bring. It also ensures that the business, and not IT, is at the vanguard of change. This is critical. As a business asset, data should be owned by the business, and efforts to improve it must be led by the business.
Many organisations have already recognised the potential value of Data Governance and have started governance initiatives. Though some have succeeded, many are faltering or have failed. Common barriers include the inability of Data Governance advocates and practitioners to gain the active support and participation of both business and IT people, difficulties in making the business case for Data Governance, trying to tackle too many data problems at once, a lack of skills and resources to effect the change needed, an over-reliance on tools & technology and so on.
Attending this 2-day course will ensure that you set off on the right path to successful and sustainable Data Governance in your organisation. It will ensure that you align your Data Governance goals and objectives with positive business outcomes, specify the main costs of poor Data Governance and the benefits of implementing it and prioritise and focus on the main issues that will deliver maximum benefit, including the critical identification of ‘quick wins’ that will demonstrate the value of Data Governance and help win over the doubters.
This seminar is based on the personal practical experience of the seminar leader in helping many organisations design and deliver successful Data Governance programmes. It will therefore include hands on exercises and practical tips to help you successfully implement Data Governance in your organisation.
Learning objectives
Who should attend?
Individuals and teams who are playing, or would like to play, an active role in the implementation of a Data Governance initiative. It will also be of interest to anyone working in a relevant business or IT role who wants to know more about Data Governance concepts and practices.
Typical roles who will benefit from this seminar include:
Van der Valk Hotel Utrecht
Winthontlaan 4-6
3526 KV Utrecht
Telefoon 030 8000 800
Van der Valk Hotel Utrecht is gelegen langs de A12 afslag 17 (Utrecht / Jaarbeurs / Kanaleneiland). U kunt parkeren in de parkeergarage van het hotel en ontvangt van ons na afloop een uitrijkaart. Ook met openbaar vervoer is het hotel zeer goed te bereiken. Vanaf Centraal Station Utrecht vertrekt er tijdens de spits iedere 7 minuten een bus (buslijn 63, 65, 66, 74 en 77) of sneltram (lijn 20 en 21) en arriveert u binnen 10 minuten bij het hotel. Voor vertrekpunten en -tijden van treinen en bussen kunt u kijken op of bellen met 0900-9292.
Alhoewel het hotel beschikt over een ruime parkeergarage kunnen wij geen plaatsen garanderen. Wij adviseren daarom om met openbaar vervoer te reizen.
Van der Valk Hotel Utrecht biedt mogelijkheden voor overnachting. Echter, het hotel geeft geen korting op verblijf aan evenementbezoekers. Indien u er wilt overnachten zult u daarom via de reguliere wijze bij Van der Valk moeten reserveren.
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